Open Access Policy

The "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that all published research is freely and readily accessible to the global community. As such, the journal provides unrestricted online access to its content without any subscription fees or access barriers.

Benefits of Open Access: Open access facilitates the widespread dissemination of scholarly research, allowing authors to reach a broader audience and maximize the impact of their work. By removing financial barriers to access, open access promotes equity and inclusivity, ensuring that researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public can benefit from the latest advancements and insights in interdisciplinary design and engineering.

Creative Commons License: To promote the reuse, distribution, and adaptation of published articles, the "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" adopts a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Under this license, readers are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the content, provided they appropriately attribute the original work to the authors and the journal.

Author Rights and Retention: Authors retain copyright of their published articles and grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish the work under the terms of the Creative Commons License. This empowers authors to share and disseminate their research freely while maintaining control over their intellectual property rights.

Archiving and Preservation: The journal is committed to long-term archiving and preservation of its content to ensure continued access and availability for future generations. Articles published in the "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" are archived in digital repositories and preservation networks to safeguard against loss or degradation of scholarly research over time.

Compliance with Open Access Mandates: The "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" supports compliance with institutional and funder open access mandates, enabling authors to meet the requirements of funding agencies, research institutions, and governmental bodies that promote open access to publicly funded research.

Transparent Access Policy: The journal maintains a transparent access policy, clearly articulating its commitment to open access principles and providing detailed information on copyright, licensing, and permissions. Authors, readers, and stakeholders can access this information on the journal's website or through relevant documentation.

The open access policy of the "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" reflects its dedication to promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation in the fields of design and engineering. By embracing open access principles, the journal contributes to the democratization of knowledge and the advancement of scholarly communication on a global scale.