Publication Ethics

The "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" upholds the highest standards of publication ethics to ensure the integrity, credibility, and trustworthiness of the research it publishes. The journal is committed to promoting ethical conduct among authors, reviewers, editors, and other stakeholders involved in the publication process. The following principles guide the publication ethics of the journal:

  1. Authorship and Originality:

    • Authors must ensure that their submitted manuscripts represent original work that has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    • All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research should be listed as authors, and proper acknowledgment should be given to their contributions.
  2. Plagiarism and Attribution:

    • Authors must avoid plagiarism by properly attributing sources and citing previous work that has influenced their research.
    • Any use of third-party content, including text, images, or data, should be appropriately cited and referenced.
  3. Data Integrity and Reproducibility:

    • Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts.
    • Data should be reported transparently, and sufficient detail should be provided to enable others to reproduce the results.
  4. Conflicts of Interest:

    • Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research, analysis, or publication process.
    • Conflicts of interest may include financial interests, affiliations, or personal relationships that could bias judgment or decision-making.
  5. Peer Review Process:

    • The journal employs a rigorous peer review process to evaluate the quality, originality, and significance of submitted manuscripts.
    • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, impartiality, and ability to provide constructive feedback.
    • Reviewers are expected to assess manuscripts objectively, maintain confidentiality, and declare any conflicts of interest.
  6. Editorial Independence:

    • Editorial decisions are made independently based on the scholarly merit of the research and compliance with the journal's scope and standards.
    • Editors strive to ensure fairness, impartiality, and transparency in all aspects of the publication process, including manuscript evaluation, revision, and final acceptance or rejection.
  7. Correction and Retraction:

    • If errors or inaccuracies are identified in published articles, the journal will take appropriate corrective action, which may include issuing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern.
    • Authors are encouraged to notify the editorial team promptly of any errors or concerns regarding their published work.

The "Interdisciplinary Design and Engineering Journal" is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in academic publishing and encourages authors, reviewers, and editors to conduct themselves in accordance with these principles. By promoting integrity, transparency, and accountability, the journal aims to maintain trust and credibility within the scholarly community and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of design and engineering.